Philadelphia, PA

Our Ministries

DEACONS AND DEACONESS MINISTRY - The Purpose of these Ministries is to: serve as ministry partners with the Pastor. They are an intricate part of the spiritual life of the church and they are an extension of the Pastor to the congregation. The Deacons also assist in promoting peace and harmony within the congregation, visitations and the ordinances of the Greater Faith Baptist Church.

TRUSTEES MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: serve as ministry partners with the Pastor and stewards of the church’s finances and property.

CHURCH SCHOOL MINISTRY  - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: serve as the Christian Education Enrichment arm of the church, to teach biblical principals and make them relevant for the 21st Century Christian.

MEN’S MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: teach biblical principles from Scripture; teach menthe importance of developing a Christian lifestyle and the importance of being a person of integrity; dialogue about male issues, and pray for one another.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: teach biblical principles, pray for one another, discuss women issues, the importance of developing a lifestyle that is exemplary of a Christian woman, and visit women shelters.

YOUTH MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: teach Scripture, provide life lessons that enhances leadership skills, Christian ethics, moral values, and how to cope with cultural diversities without compromising Christian values. The Youth Leaders also provide a platform for community service, fun nights and other social activities.

DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: make disciples, teaching men and women how to embrace and model the “With-Me” principles of Jesus. “Then (Jesus) appointed twelve that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach…” (Mark 3:14).

EVANGELISM MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: share the Good News of Jesus Christ with family, friends, and those within the circle of our influence.

USHERS MINISTRY -  The Purpose of these Ministries is to: be one of the front line contact persons with the members and guests. The Ushers are “door keepers;” attend to the needs of the congregation and guests, they are also observers of activities and movement during the worship service.    


HOSPITALITY MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: warmly greet members and guests as they enter doors for all services. The Hospitality Ministry is also responsible for acknowledging the guests at the conclusion of the proclamation of the word.

PASTORS STRATEGIC PARTNERS' MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: develop a monthly theme for proclamation, collaborate with the Director of Music and Liturgical Dance Ministries to synchronize song and dance that is in harmony with the monthly theme.

MISSIONARY MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: visit the sick and shut in; provide food baskets for those who are in need, pray with and serve bereaved family members. Report personal and spiritual need(s) to the Deacons’ Ministry.

HEALTH MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: offer professional service to members and guests that may experience health issues during the praise and worship services. They also provide monthly themes with weekly health tips for healthier lifestyles while partnering “nurses” providing pulpit aid for the Pastor.

CULINARY MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: prepare and serve nutritious meals for afternoon and special services.

PLANNING MINISTRY - The Purpose of this Ministry is to: schedule all ministry activities for the church calendar and coordinate them based upon individual ministry leader’s request.

MUSIC MINISTRY - The Purpose of these Ministries is to: prayerfully create an atmosphere for worship through songs of adoration and instrumental presentation that exalts the name of the Lord.


DANCE, DRAMA, MIME MINISTRY - The Purpose of these Ministries is to: minister unto the Lord through “praise beyond words,” mime, and drama presentations in the beauty of holiness

SOUND AND MEDIA MINISTRY - The Purpose of these Ministries is to: ensure quality visual aid and professional sound for the Music Ministry, Dance Ministry, and the Proclamation of the word.